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This is what we want to find out about God

I said above that in this book I am only concerned with sound doctrine on the subject of God. What does the subject of God include?

The subject of God includes who God is. That is, it describes the attributes of God. It describes what God is like (i.e. how God behaves) and what He thinks about different subjects. In other words, it includes the knowledge of God.

The subject of God also includes an understanding of God. That is, it explains why God behaves in the way He does. To have understanding is to know why God behaves in the way He does.

The subject of God also includes what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. That is, in includes the past, present and future works of God, in as much as God has chosen to reveal them.

The subject of God also includes God’s description of the state of man, God’s plans regarding the destiny of man, and God’s expectations of man, and all of God’s dealings with men.

Therefore, when we talk of having sound doctrine we desire to know the truth about the knowledge of God, the understanding of God, the works of God, God’s revelation regarding the state, destiny, expectations of man, and God’s dealings with man.

Therefore, henceforth, whenever we use the term ‘understanding’ we will mean ‘understanding why God behaves in the way He does’. Also, whenever we use the term ‘knowledge’ we will mean ‘knowledge of God’, and ‘knowledge of the truth’ will mean ‘knowledge of the truth about God’.

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